API-Delta New Orleans Chapter

Membership Application


API’s Delta Chapter is a non-profit professional organization with dedicated members involved in all aspects of the petroleum industry. Our objective is to positively and actively promote education through volunteerism, philanthropy, and community outreach. We take a special interest in educating the public in field of study relating to Oil & Gas. Our chapter hosts three annual multi-organizational luncheons, which facilitate the sharing of knowledge, growth, and support among members of our industry in the community. Throughout the year, we rely on our members to donate their time, talents, and resources to our many causes, from our fundraisers to our outreach events to our involvement in all levels of education. With your help, we will continue to thrive and bolster the industry that has provided so many in our area with livelihoods, opportunity, and advancement.

Become a Platinum Member today, and receive a discounted annual membership rate, as well as a reserved, discounted seat at all three annual luncheons.

Please fill out the following form to apply for membership. You can pay the annual membership fee using your credit card, a PayPal account, or by check.

First year application fee is not pro-rated. Please consider a multi-year renewal since dues are expected to increase next year.

Currently, an additional year is being offered when renewing your membership.

Upon completing this form you will be redirected to the PayPal website for payment.

Please select the renewal length.
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Your last name is required.

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